Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Hillary: Sit your Ass Down!!!

Let me prference this by saying that I was absolutely in love w/ Hillary for years. One, because she is a Scorpio like me. Second, because she got to cuddle up every night w/, my husband in my head, Bill Clinton.

I respect everything that Hillary does and has done in the past, but for the first time I am asking her sit down. I know that look in her eye, its the same look I get when I'm trying to prove a point. We get it, Hil, we know you are awesome and fantastic. Hillary has done for the movement and liberation of women, since the bra burning incident of the feminist movement. But now its time to take a seat, be a real woman and accept defeat.

This is exactly why men hold claim that no woman should ever grace the seat of Commander and Chief, because we don't know how to let shit go.

Remember when you were a little girl and the bitch down the street decided to have her party on the same day of your birthday party? She was only having a regular party, she could have easily changed the date of her party, but no she just had to prove that she had more friends than you and keep the party going. Then all your friends had to make this awkward choice, do they come to your party or hers? They like you both, but only one can glory in that day. Even if they decide to split the time, none of the guest really give their full attention to you THE BIRTHDAY GIRL! Then at the end of the day you are reeling, because she fucked up your birthday w/ her stubbornness.

This is the same thing. Obama is having his birhtday party, but Hilary is throwing a slumber party. In the end, McCain will get the most gifts!

Hilary, take this for what it is. Sit down, run next time. Please, dont be responsible for the Democratic defeat, yet again!


Patricia Barrigher said...

I used to love Hilary too, just because she was tough, and most of my buddies are Scorps. But she lowered herself fighting so dirty in this campaign, that I gave Obama the benefit of the doubt and was richly rewarded. Originally I came in because I thought his wife was intelligent and cool, but Obama has really come through.

Anonymous said...


Let it go girl...I know its hard...Where has yelling girl been all my life? Love it.
