Monday, May 26, 2008

"What You Talkin' 'Bout, Wilma?"

Just when I thought I had seen it all, I see some shit that makes me want to personally request that God wipe out this entire planet and just start all over again!

I see a woman (who was so pregnant that the baby was crowning) coming out of a bar! That's not the worse part! Cause she could or could not have been drinking inside the bar. But what this woman did next absolutely blew my mind. She lit a fucking C-I-G-A-R-E-T-T-E! Cigarettes cause cancer and lead to all types of health issues in the world on a daily basis. Not only that you have to be 18 here in the United States to even partake in smoking a cigarette. Second hand smoke is a leading killer of many people in this country. If it has this type of effects on adults and children, imagine what it does to an undeveloped fetus depending solely on its mother for nutritional substance. To make matters worse this woman was joined in this foolish escapade by her man and a friend.

I was floored, and it takes a lot to floor me. I mean, I have seen a homeless man take a shit right in front of me at the bus stop and ask me for toilet paper so he can wipe his ass. The first thing I thought of was making a citizens arrest. So, I get on the phone with the local police station to see if there is anyway they could intervene with this obvious declaration of parental neglect. I would would've gotten more attention from the police if I had told them that a kitten was stuck up a tree then telling them that I saw this pregnant woman coming out of a bar and lighting up a cigarette. The officer I spoke to was not moved to even fake a response of concern, opting to give me accolades for being a good citizen in knowing that what I saw was obviously wrong, but not before telling me there was absolutely nothing I could do but give the woman an ashtray as a baby gift.

The officer, however, was not that only person to dismiss my gripe as an unfortunate side affect of my overly sensitive sense of morales. Every freaking person I spoke to stated that it was "her right" to do as she pleased. These people (the bouncer, the patrons, the nonchalant police officer) all seemed to think this response in someway negated their responsiblity in this matter. Since when did a woman's "right" mean it was okay for her to infringe on the safety of others? In this case the fetus, her own flesh and blood!

Just recently in the news a couple was sentenced to jail time for allowing their 2 year old to smoke cigarettes and drink beer; I don't see any difference in this case. We have allowed this feminist shit to get out of hand, and I'm not okay with it! Somewhere along the line we dropped the responsibility ball in this country and for that people are running amuck. Just because "it isn't against the law" doesn't mean that is right. This is my plea, the next time you see a pregnant woman walking out of a bar and lighting up a cigarette smack it out of her hand and then slap her in the face and say "That's from your baby, bitch! Stop that!"


Patricia Barrigher said...

You tried dear. You get many points, and that kid is going to grow up to be a drug addict who tries to brain his brain dead parents in their sleep.

Anonymous said...

Hi Yelling Girl

Who told this fool to get pregnant in the first place?...Girlfriend needs a real life so she can give her baby a chance at life.

Love your Yelling girl page.

P.S.--Loose those other sites...We only need Yelling girl...Let 'em get their own audience...Just a tip.
