Monday, May 26, 2008

HOT-Wee (Hottie of the Week): Perv Pick!

Okay, so this might not always be a theme that I will do on Yelling Girl, but I just had to put up this little cutie that I think is so adorable (2 more years and he's legal, ladies). Skandar Keynes, is a British actor who I am familiar with as the character King Edmund in the Chronicles of Narnia films.

Keep a eye out for this kid, I think he's going to be really big one day!

I better rush and have a daughter, cause I'm totally going to try and get her to marry this kid!


Patricia Barrigher said...

He's okay, but he's a foetus. I like you with the guy who plays Prince Caspian. He even admits the hair isn't his!

Anonymous said...

Edmund has now replaced Harry Potter as number one on my jail bait list. I don't really have a list, not a written one anyway.

Anonymous said...

I'll take him!!! Thanks Yelling girl. Love your blog.