Monday, June 2, 2008

That Hot Shit!

Hey, Yelling Girls!

From time to time things motivate me creatively and I figured what better way to showcase the things that i'm feeling then by putting them on Yelling Girl! Now normally I'm not feeling Erykah Badu, not because she isn't fabulous (because she totally is), but for some reason my loyalty to Jill Scott won't let me like Erykah like that. Even with my bias to Jill, I got to show Erykah some love for her new video 'Honey'. It's very creative, and in a weird way symbolize all the creativity that Badu has offered us over the years.

So, I'm gonna forget about Jill for just one second and go back to loving Erykah like I used to when I was a junior in high school driving to Pasadena with my girls.

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