Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Yelling Girl Movie Review: Yes Man

Nothing interested me about this movie. A guy who says "no" finally says "yes", big deal! The trailer looked beyond ridiculous, and I was not interested in seeing Jim Carrey portray the same character again! (Goofball gone wild). Now with that being said...


Okay, its not going to win an Oscar, it might not even get any nominations for anything; but I liked it. It was a feel good movie with a good cast. Jim Carrey renewed my faith in his antics, and reminded me why I go to the movies to see anything that he is in.

I applaud this movie for taking a concept that could have been very cheesey and making it interesting.

If you want to see a good movie with friends, then say "yes" to 'Yes Man'.

Note: I know this movie has been out - but I just saw it, so lay off!!!

Love Ya

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