Monday, June 2, 2008

That Hot Shit!

When I first heard this song American Boy, I was like whatever! We've got enough shit in this country that promotes American boy this, American girl that, which only equates to cookie cutter and "perfect". Then when I found out this song was sung by a black woman - I was like, "here we go", then when I found out she was from England I really copped a 'tude (what does she know about an American boy?). As normally in my life, I put my foot in my mouth big time. When I finally took the time to listen to this song, I was captive by the vocals; not only because Kanye was on it (man, I love him!) but because the voice along side his was (in my opinion) gritty, irreverent w/ a touch of bandint disregard (which in my world translates to FLAWLESS!).

It's unfortunate that this young lady hasn't gotten the play that she deserves, but in this day of pussy poppin' female artists, weaved down, over made and processed - you are hard pressed to find someone who betrays all those things (and still is beautiful).

Without any further ado, I present ESTELLE

Be sure to BUY her shit! She can't afford for you all to download her stuff, because people have already tried to stop her once already!

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