Thursday, January 1, 2009

A lesson for Madoff?

Its too early in the morning for this bullshit! Associated Press is reporting that some thieves stole a statue of Bernie Madoff's, worth over $10,000.

This apparently happened on Dec. 22. The statue has since turned up at a country club of Madoff's with a letter attached reading "Bernie the Swindler, Lesson: Return stolen property to rightful owners. Signed by — The Educators."


What point is this proving?! Do you think this guy gives a shit about whatever after school lesson you are trying to teach?! Really, the man has swindled over 50 billion dollars from his investors!

Not that I am advocating violence by any stretch of the imagination, but something tells me the only thing this man might understand is a foot in the ass! Which he wont get cause he's going to a federal prison.


Anonymous said...

I heard that!!!

Anonymous said...

Off to the pen with this one!